===== 2022-04-24 Jumpscroll ===== Searching around for a way to get Librewolf to quit "jumping" when I click in the scrollbar trough I found [[https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/toi7hp/fyi_my_company_has_banned_the_use_of_firefox/|this awesome gem]]... the poster says: >"ara9ond" wrote: >My view is that at least FF doesn't monetize my clicks, even if they are only for work. Is it adorable or ridiculous that someone would still believe that? {{https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-x2ZVGvBdFCc/VQEv8HC7k7I/AAAAAAAAPBM/Rm46US2Vz9Y/s1600/Robert+Redford+Incredulity+Disbelief+Anger+Frustration+Conflict+Nonverbal+Communication+Expert+Body+Language+Expert+Speaker+Keynote+Consultant+Las+Vegas+Los+Angeles+New+York+City+Orlando.png}} PS: When do we hang the twat who ruined scrollbars?