Picked up a [[https://www.perfectbee.com/your-beehive/starting-a-beehive/obtaining-and-installing-a-nuc-colony|nuc]] of [[https://hbrc.ca/history-of-buckfast-bees-in-ontario/|Buckfast]] bees this morning. They sounded a little pissed off about the ride in the car so I left them sitting beside the destination deep brood box for a while and they seemed to calm down. Once I had them transferred to their new home the bees that were left in the lid seemed to make their way in to the hive fairly quickly. The ones that were in the box spent a while fanning before they realized the queen wasn't there and they had to go move over to the box. | {{ :img:img_20230521_104627_139.jpg?360&direct |}} | {{ :img:img_20230521_110753_410.jpg?360&direct |}} | * At first they kept fanning the nuc box [[https://ia902600.us.archive.org/0/items/snorks-bee-videos/VID_20230521_105443.m4v|video link]] * Then they figured it out and fanned the hive [[https://ia902600.us.archive.org/0/items/snorks-bee-videos/VID_20230521_124537.m4v|video link]]