===== Tech Notes ===== A place to store notes about mostly computer related crap that doesn't really fit in the tech tips area. * [[technotes:debloat a samsung j2pro phone with adb tools]] * [[technotes:the no-database email server on devuan chimaera]] * [[technotes:fucking bsd notes]] * [[technotes:fucking slackware notes]] * [[technotes:fucking alpine linux sucks]] * [[technotes:backup hmailserver with winscp]] * [[technotes:compiling iptables]] * [[technotes:an old iptables router script]] * [[technotes:flintstones episodes]] * [[technotes:notes from ecohome.net]] * [[technotes:debloat a samsung a20 phone with adb tools]] * [[technotes:setting up powerdns]] * [[technotes:unbound stats script]]