===== How To Use 0x0.st ===== [[https://0x0.st/|0x0.st]] is a site that lets me upload photos. The syntax is pretty esoteric, so here are some examples. NOTE: May as well always use the -v option to show headers -- so I can use the **X-Token** field to delete the photo afterwards if I want to. Upload an image: curl -v -F'file=@yourfile.png' https://0x0.st/ Expire the image in 72 hours curl -v -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fexpires=72 https://0x0.st/ To delete the file immediately: curl -v -Ftoken=token_here -Fdelete= https://0x0.st/yourfile.png To change the expiration date (see above): curl -v -Ftoken=token_here -Fexpires=3 https://0x0.st/yourfile.png