These are digital tidbits that I have found a figure I may need again at some point. ===== Linux ===== * [[tips:buster to beowulf|Convert Buster to Beowulf]] * [[tips:install stretch on ulayer|Install Debian Stretch On ULayer]] * [[tips:check tls cert expiry|Check TLS Cert Expiry]] * [[tips:install charybdis|Install Charybdis IRC Server]] * [[tips:install prosody|Install Prosody XMPP Server]] * [[tips:install znc|Install ZNC Bouncer]] * [[tips:install minetest server|Install Minetest 4.17.1 Server]] * [[tips:install fail2ban|Install fail2ban v0.9.x on Jessie]] * [[tips:install unbound from source|Install Unbound From Source]] * [[tips:install youtube-dl|Install youtube-dl]] * [[tips:install avidemux|Install AVIDemux]] * [[tips:dd image to sd card|dd Image to SD Card]] * [[tips:reenable wifi on xubuntu|Re-enable greyed out wifi wireless on Xubuntu]] * [[tips:force apt to use ipv4|Force apt to use IPv4]] * [[tips:disable ipv6|Disable IPv6]] * [[tips:disable lid suspend|Disable Suspend When Closing Lid (CLI)]] * [[tips:lightdm xfce autologin|Lightdm + XFCE + Autologin]] * [[tips:systemd cli autologin|Autologin to CLI (with systemd)]] * [[tips:setup dnssec|How To Setup DNSSEC]] * [[tips:linux truecrypt cli|Linux Command Lines For Truecrypt]] * [[tips:label fat32 partition|How To Label A FAT32 Partition]] * [[tips:application ports|What Ports Is An Application Listening On?]] * [[tips:install nvidia driver in debian|Install nVidia driver in Debian]] * [[tips:set openbox wallpaper with feh|Set Openbox Wallpaper With feh]] * [[tips:generate stunnel cert|Generate Cert For Use With Stunnel]] * [[tips:fix no valid rapl domains|Get Rid Of No valid rapl domains Error]] * [[tips:set timezone from command line|Set timezone from command line]] * [[tips:change date format in wine|Change Date Format For wine Applications]] * [[tips:create windows usb installer|Create Windows Installer USB Stick]] * [[tips:setup cudominer|Setup Cudominer on Ubuntu 18.04]] * [[tips:udiskie policykit permissions|Adding Permissions for Udiskie Mount Policykit]] * [[tips:prevent xsession-errors from growing|Prevent .xsession-erros File From Growing Huge]] * [[tips:notify-send multiple lines|Send Multi-line Messages With notify-send]] * [[tips:postfix queue management|Postfix Queue Management]] * [[tips:wine prefixes|Using wine Prefixes]] * [[tips:minibian resize sd|Resize SD Card on Minibian Install]] * [[tips:run rpi from usb|Run Raspberry Pi From A USB Stick]] * [[tips:disable grub2 fancy image|Disable GRUB2 Fancy Image]] * [[tips:fix resolv conf problems|Take Back Control Of resolv.conf]] * [[tips:reset root passwd|Reset root passwd]] * [[tips:fix drm_kms_helper errors|Fix drm_kms_helper Errors On Boot]] * [[tips:devuan crypt busy on shutdown|Fix crypt busy errors on shutdown]] * [[tips:test vps download speed|Test VPS Download Speed]] * [[tips:write xz to sd card|Write xz File Directly To SD Card]] * [[tips:missing firmware error message|Fix Missing Firmware Error Message]] * [[tips:manual wifi setup|Manual WiFi Setup]] * [[tips:create swapfile|Create A Swapfile]] * [[tips:fix grub boot problem|Fix GRUB Boot Problem]] * [[tips:install avidemux on debian|Install AVIDemux on Devuan]] * [[tips:set apt proxy|Set APT Proxy]] * [[tips:mount qcow image|Mount a .qcow image]] * [[tips:console screen blank timeout|Console Screen Blank Timeout]] * [[tips:disable proxmox junk|Disable Non-Essential Proxmox Services]] * [[tips:disable certbot on devuan|Disable Certbot On Devuan]] * [[tips:fix postgrey pid|Fix Postgrey PID]] * [[tips:fix postgrey restart|Fix Postgrey Restart]] * [[tips:racknerd chimaera|How to get Devuan Chimaera on Racknerd VPS]] * [[tips:bash history string replacement|Bash History String Replacement]] * [[tips:disable xorg beep|Disable xorg Beep Noise]] * [[tips:armbian-to-chimaera-on-bpi|Upgrade Armbian 20.02.01 to Devuan Chimaera on Banana Pi M1]] * [[tips:mute-sound-from-cli|Mute Sound From Command Line Interface]] * [[tips:set-screen-brightness-cli|Set Screen Brightness From Command Line]] * [[tips:see-battery-status-cli|See Battery Status From Command Line]] * [[tips:disable-dhclient-modify-resolv-conf|Disable dhclient Modifying Your resolv.conf File]] * [[tips:access-android-device-from-linux|Access Android Device From Linux]] * [[tips:setup virt-manager server|Setup a virt-manager Server]] * [[tips:make mouse wheel work in tmux|Make Mouse Wheel Work In tmux]] * [[tips:detect and switch to external monitor|Detect And Switch To External Monitor]] * [[tips:domain specific apt-proxy|Domain Specific apt-proxy]] * [[tips:disable anvil logs|Disable Anvil Logs]] * [[tips:convert mp4 to ogv with ffmpeg|Convert MP4 to OGV with ffmpeg]] * [[tips:set default browser in openbox|Set Default Browser In Openbox]] * [[tips:disable pc speaker|Disable PC Speaker]] * [[tips:dd progress one-liner|dd Progress One-Liner]] * [[tips:pac file proxy in linux chrome|PAC File Proxy In Linux Chrome]] ===== Web Servers ===== * [[tips:install nginx|Install NGinx on Debian]] * [[tips:nginx self signed cert|NGinx Self Signed Cert]] * [[tips:nginx php setup|Setup php on NGinx]] * [[tips:sury php repository|Install Old php From sury Repository]] * [[tips:android web server|Setup an Android Web Server]] * ===== Windows ===== * [[tips:hmailserver startbackup.vbs via task scheduler|Run StartBackup.vbs for hMailServer Via Task Scheduler]] * [[tips:xp eastern time zone|XP Eastern Time Zone]] * [[tips:xp disable recent docs|XP Disable Recent Documents]] * [[tips:xp gnupg key location|XP GnuPG Home]] * [[tips:xp add server to intranet|XP Add Server To Intranet List]] * [[tips:xp enable firewall programmatically|Enable/Disable XP Firewall Via Registry]] * [[tips:ultravnc slow windows|UltraVNC Slow On Windows]] * [[tips:make rdp listen on ipv6 on xp|Make RDP Listen On IPv6 On XP]] ===== Other ===== * [[tips:make applications not suck|Make Applications Not Suck]] * [[tips:how to convert video with ffmpeg|How To Convert Video With ffmpeg]] * [[tips:how to make a still video from a jpg with ffmpeg|How To Make A Still Video From A JPG With FFMpeg]] * [[tips:how to use pf|pf Firewall On BSD]] * [[tips:use anonymous remailers|Send Anonymous email Through Remailers]] * [[tips:fix giant bars in tor browser|Get Rid Of Giant Bars In Tor Browser]] * [[tips:sendemail load ssl libraries|Sendemail Can't Load SSL Libraries]] * [[tips:postfix authenticated smarthost|Configure Postfix To Use Authenticated Smarthost]] * [[tips:generate teamspeak admin token|How To Generate A New Teamspeak Admin Token]] * [[tips:create sd card image|Create an image of an SD card]] * [[tips:disable boot noise on imac|Disable Boot Noise On iMac]] * [[tips:download m3u8 videos|Download .m3u8 Videos]] * [[tips:wireguard setup|Wireguard Setup]] * [[tips:make yealink ringtone|How To Make A Yealink Ringtone]] * [[tips:stop chromium from listening on port 5353|Stop Chromium from listening on UDP Port 5353]] * [[tips:how to upgrade hubzilla|How To Upgrade Hubzilla]] * [[tips:telnet to imap|Telnet To IMAP]] * [[tips:sqlgrey setup notes|SQLGrey Setup Notes]] * [[tips:asterisk tls certs|Asterisk TLS Certs]] * [[tips:how to use|How To Use]] * [[tips:how to join mp4 audio and mp4 video|How To Join mp4 Audio And mp4 Video]] * [[tips:how to run sntp|How To Run sntp]] * [[tips:get all IPs for an AS number|Get All IPs For An AS Number]] * [[tips:repair pdf for upload to|Repair PDF For Upload To]] * [[tips:libreoffice disable recent documents|Libreoffice Disable Recent Documents]] * [[tips:reduce fan noise on imac|Reduce Fan Noise On iMac]] * [[tips:screen blanking on proxmox|Screen Blanking On Proxmox]] * [[tips:download m3u8 stream with yt-dlp|Download m3u8 Stream with yt-dlp]] * [[tips:download tubi movies|Download Tubi Movies]]