backup hmailserver with winscp

This is the backup.scp file.

# Backup to server nightly
open backup
option batch continue
option confirm off
option reconnecttime 9
synchronize remote -transfer=binary -criteria=time -delete "C:\Apps\WinSCP" "/backups/hmail/WinSCP/"
synchronize remote -transfer=binary -criteria=time -delete "C:\Apps\scripts" "/backups/hmail/scripts/"
synchronize remote -transfer=binary -criteria=time -delete "C:\Apps\sa" "/backups/hmail/sa/"
synchronize remote -transfer=binary -criteria=time -delete "C:\Apps\nxlog" "/backups/hmail/nxlog/"
synchronize remote -transfer=binary -criteria=time -delete "C:\Backups" "/backups/hmail/Backups/"
synchronize remote -transfer=binary -criteria=time -delete "C:\Apps\hMailServer" "/backups/hmail/hMailServer/"

This is the backup.bat file

@echo off
cd "\apps\winscp" /script=backup.scp
technotes/backup_hmailserver_with_winscp.txt · Last modified: 2023-08-08 00:35 by snork
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