not really technical, or complete, but still a list… anyways, I should clean up the formatting later.
flintstones cops: (check before episode 7 for others) s01e07: handcuffed for pushing cop in pool after noise complaint s01e12: booked on an 803 [attacking an old man with his own cane] s01e17: Fred wishes for money, bag of cash falls on his head, cops think they are bank robbers s01e18: A bunch of traffic tickets for a camper that came loose off the car s01e19: Thought Fred was 88 Fingers Louie and arrested him for driving a stolen piano down the street s02e27: Fred gets in trouble with the cops for trying to get a letter out of a mailbox s03e11: Barney gets arrested for hassling ladies after sneaking Fred in to ball game on Ladies Day s03e20: Fred gets in shit from cop because he stopped traffic to yell at Barney Fred gets pulled over for doing 55mph in 35mph zone s03e23: Fred gets pulled over for speeding on the way to hospital when Wilma is pregnant s03e24: Fred gets pulled over for speeding on the way back to hospital when Pebbles cried and again when he thinks the laundry pickup took Pebbles s03e27: Swedish musicians are staying at Flintstone house and cops come for Barney's noise complaint s04e04: Fred gets in shit with cops when Dino runs away and Fred steals the wrong dog s04e05: Fred gets new glasses and accidentally gets in to a cop car s04e06: Fred gets chased by cops while driving a bathtub s04e11: Fred mistakenly gets in trouble with cops when he thinks Pebbles stole jewelry s04e13: A cop swings Fred "over the bar" to teach him not to go on the kiddie swings s04e13: Fred & Barney end up in jail for playing poker s04e14: Get chased by cop for trying to break in to Bedrock Plaza hotel s04e14: Fred accidentally lassos a cop when trying to pull down everyone's TV antennae s04e21: Fred builds a room on the side of their house, turns out it is over the property line and they fight - Fred unknowingly chokes a cop throgh the little hole in the wall between halves s04e21: Fred gets chased (and shot at) by cops while dressed as Son Of Rockzilla s05e04: Boulderettes get sent to Pebbles' birthday party and clown shows up at lodge party - cops get called S06E11: Fred & Barney get arrested for fighting in the yard while dressed up as devils flintstones jobs: (check before episode 8 for others) s01e08: Fred loses job for twisting his boss' nose at dinosaur races s01e13: Fred & Barney quit to open a drive-in restaurant s01e15: No mention of regular job but fred went on tour for many weeks as Hi-Fi the singer s01e22: Fred leaves job temporarily to acts as J.L. Gotrocks s01e23: Does not say he left their jobs but they joined the army s02e02: Cousin Tumbleweed buys Fred & Barney's companies so they can watch the ranch for a month s02e03: Fred quits his job to become a school bus driver s02e11: Fred gets fired for dropping a rock on his boss at work s02e17: Fred quits work to manage Wilma's TV career s02e27: Fred writes nastygram to Mr. Slate for not giving him his annual raise - Wilma saves him from actually getting fired s03e02: Barney loses his job and ends up Fred's boss (Mr. Slate's nephew) s03e22: Fred gets Barney to pose as employer in order to get Mr. Slate to give him a raise - Plan backfires and he gets fired instead s04e16: Fred gets fired when an alien clone of him beats up Mr. Slate s05e13: Fred gets fired when Mr. Slate finds out he skipped work to race a car as Goggle Pyzano - Then unfired when Mr. Slate tries to use Pyzano's popularity to get free advertising s05e20: Fred almost gets fired for moonlighting as a Resident Stationary Engineer (janitor) at his new apartment flintstones clubs: (check before episode 11 for others) s01e11: Loyal Order Of Dinosaurs s01e24: Loyal Order Of Water Buffalos are staying at Smoothie's hotel s02e06: Fred says that he & Barney should get Rock Quary in to the Secret Order Of The Dinosaurs s02e11: Fred has a meeting at the Loyal Brotherhood Of Water Buffalos (first time with the blue hat) - Leader referred to himself as "King Buffalo" s02e24: Royal Order Of Water Buffalo s03e06: Royal Order Of Water Buffalos (Wilma's wording) s03e07: Loyal Order Of Water Buffalos (Wilma's calls leader "Mystic Imperial Poobah") s03e18: Loyal Order Of Water Buffalos (taking nominations for "Grand Imperial Poobah") - Fred refers to "Exalted Poohbah" s03e20: Loyal Order Of Water Buffalos s04e13: Loyal Order Of Buffalos s04e14: During Peek-a-boo Camera TV show the Imperial Grand Poobah calls and Fred has to put on his water buffalo hat s04e21: Loyal Order Of Water Buffalos s04e23: Water Buffalo Lodge & Grand Poobah Flintstones addresses: (check before episode 17 for others) s01e17: 345 Stone Cave Road s01e27: Fred & Barney take the subway to Pebble Street s02e09: Phone number at Flintstone house is Bedrock313 s02e15: Dino's vet sends Dino's x-rays to 35 Cobblestone Road s03e09: Telegram office says address is on Cobblestone Lane s03e16: Kissing Burglar is headed for 323 Cobblestone Lane s04e05: Fred thinks he is losing his mind and keeps repeating his name and address of 222 Rock Way S06E11: Cops send squad car to 342 Gavelpit Terrace Notes: s03e03: First time the Gay Old Time song and drive-in appeared in opening credits s03e19: First time I heard a laugh track s03e23: Pebbles is born s04w03: BammBamm arrives s04e10: Second time I heard a laugh track s04e11: Strange new art style showed up s04e17: Wilma's mother is referred to as Mrs. Slaghoople s04e25: Wilma's mother is referred to as Mrs. Slaghoople s05e01: Hopperoo AKA "Hoppy" is introduced