Access Android Device From Linux

  • A stupid little script I wrote because I was tired of screwing with this crap.
  • I guess I should note that it requires jmtpfs and fuse to be installed, and /home/user/fuckandroid to exist.
  • I guess I should also mention that you need to unlock the device first.
export PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'
jmtpfs /home/user/fuckandroid
read -rsp $'Allow connection on phone, then press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key
fusermount -u /home/user/fuckandroid
sleep 1
jmtpfs /home/user/fuckandroid
read -rsp $'Now press any key when you are ready to unmount it.\n' -n1 key
fusermount -u /home/user/fuckandroid
tips/access-android-device-from-linux.txt · Last modified: 2023-08-06 19:12 (external edit)
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