Some of this applies to SeaMonkey, some of it might be outdated (since I no longer use Firefox), and some of it may make your device catch on fire.
Key | Value | Notes |
geo.enabled | false | Disable being asked to share your location. link | | Blank | Disable Geolocation for default search engine | | false | Disable remembering per-site download directories. link |
browser.urlbar.trimURLs | false | Disable hiding protocol at the front of the URL bar. link |
network.dns.disableIPv6 | true | Disable IPv6. link |
network.dns.disablePrefetch | true | Disable prefetching. link |
network.prefetch-next | false | |
network.http.speculative-parallel-limit | 0 | |
dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled | false | Disable clipboard notifications. |
browser.cache.offline.enable | false | Disable offline cache. |
webgl.disabled | true | Disable WebGL. |
dom.battery.enabled | false | Disable battery status. |
pageThumbs.enabled | false | Disable thumbnail previews. link |
browser.tabs.tooltippreview.enable | false | Disable thumbnail previews in SeaMonkey. link |
extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled | false | Disable addon metadata updating. |
media.peerconnection.enabled | false | Disable WebRTC. |
media.peerconnection.identity.enabled | false | | | false | |
media.peerconnection.p9_enabled | false | |
network.captive-portal-service.enabled | false | Disable captive portal detection. link |
reader.parse-on-load.enabled | false | Disable reader mode. |
extensions.pocket.enabled | false | Disable pocket. |
Key | Value | Notes |
mailnews.reply_quoting_selection | false | Disable quoting only selected text when replying. link |
mailnews.reply_quoting_selection.multi_word | false | | | 2 | Show short date in message list. |
mail.smtpserver.smtp1.hello_argument | mail.yourname.tld | HELO identifier (needs to be set for each SMTP profile) |
general.useragent.override | My Mail Application v1.0 | Override mail agent. |
extensions.enigmail.addHeaders | false | Hide Enigmail extension |
mailnews.default_news_sort_order | 2 | Set default to sort by date descending link |
mailnews.default_news_sort_type | 18 | |
mailnews.default_sort_order | 2 | |
mailnews.default_sort_type | 18 |
Disable xscreensaver while playing. link
File | Content |
~/.mplayer/config | heartbeat-cmd="xscreensaver-command -deactivate >&- 2>&- &" |
Stop Thunar from automatically resizing columns. link
Stop Thunar from ignoring non-alpha-numeric characters when sorting. link
File | Content |
~/.config/openbox/environment | export LC_COLLATE=C |
Protocol and www hidden in URL bar
No proxy configuration on Linux