
The original was actually this github issue for Linux Mint Cinnamon, last seen 2019-06-22.

The Important Stuff

All I really cared about was the syntax for sending notify-send multiline notifications… like this:

notify-send -i error "my summary" "a bunch of text.\rand some more text"

Original Content

It is possible to display multiple lines with notify-send.
There is a bug in the cinnamon version.
All examples work CORRECTLY in xfce.
In cinnamon, failure is both summary and body line length dependent.
48 characters or less in the body
6 characters or less in the summary
notify-send -i error "summary" \
"summary=7 body=48 --FAIL--\

notify-send -i info "summary" \
"summary=7 body=49 --OK--\

notify-send -i error "summar" \
"summary=6 body=49 --FAIL--\

notify-send -i info "summar" \
"summary=6 body=50 --OK--\
tips/notify-send_multiple_lines.txt · Last modified: 2023-08-06 19:13 (external edit)
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